
Early Miss Rd. 2

4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 5
18 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Fearless Gardener Cal Mag
0.5 ml/l
Fearless Gardener Rocket Fuel
2 ml/l
Golden Tree - Humboldts Secret
Golden Tree
1.25 mll
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Spyder7 Spyder7
4 years ago
Day 29: Did more super-cropping, adjusted LST, and flipped to an 18/6 light cycle to lower heat. I have everything super-cropped except fan leaves and the main stalk. I've broken atypical dominance I think and that new "top" is super-cropped so it'll be interesting to weight it at the end and compare it to the main cola. My plan here is to just LST the main cola as I've been doing since week 3, and super-crop everything else (except fan leaves) while keeping defoliation to a minimum, and finishing both 7 days after pre-flowers appeared so that it has the final week of stretch to fully make the most out of. After that I'll switch to LST on the super-cropped sites as well. Day 30. Decided to super crop the main cola. Did a second round on some stems and super cropped all bud bearing stems I hadn't yet done, and LST'd the super-cropped branches. With the plant healthy and not suffering any stress, this may be a good baseline grow to see what this strain can yield under my 150W LED in a 3 gallon pot when fully LST'd and HST'd, but without FIM'ing or topping; next grow, I may try up to 4 plants in 1 gallon pots, though ideally under a stronger light (a 600W may be in the works for next grow) and I might try topping 2 and FIM'ing 2, and super-cropping all 4 if it yields good results this grow. Though I like HST and had no trouble with it so far (haven't had to tape a stem yet), so its already exceeded my expectations as I wasn't sure I'd be too fussy about it, but I enjoy it: it gives excellent control for plant training, which in itself may mean less defoliation is needed (I'm only taking off what I need to this grow, which has been very little so far and none so far this week). Day 31: More LST and HST. There is some P burn on a couple leaves, though its very minor and I think likely related to the temps the first day I watered them after feeding them: I watered them in the morning, but lunchtime it was already 28C where it stayed, and I noticed the P burn becoming more noticeable throughout the day. I think the reason is that when it was taking up water in 28C heat it would have taken up more nutes with the water then it would have otherwise, and the extra nute uptake created the nute burn. It is minor and there is not much to be done for it as the affected leaves its showing on are still healthy, and a nute burn can't be undone and I didn't expect that hot a day this early in the year (today, outside its back to the teens that the weather's been all month, except yesterday). I won't defoliate something just for cosmetic reasons, though if the affected eaves block bud sites or become unhealthy, I'll clip them off. Measured plant height is 11". Also lowered the light half an inch. On another note, also wondering now what timeline I'm looking at. Its definitely not going to be the 7 weeks CKS advertises, but this grow I knew that much going in. I don't think it'll necessarily be the 14 week, 90+ day grow that last round was, but maybe something closer to 11-13 weeks which I think is more likely (6-8 weeks of flower until harvest). It'll be interesting to see. I'm hoping for 12 weeks to harvest. Day 32: did some very light defoliation and HST on a few more stems. The plant has responded well to the nutes and to training so I have high hopes for this grow. Day 33: Minimal HST and more LST. Its been a week today since pre-flowering began, so today is also the last day for HST techniques and after today it'll be mainly LST, while I can, with light defoliation only as necessary (I have no plans to lolipop this grow). As a means to try and lower heat, I've begun a rotation of using a 32 oz Mason jar with water frozen the night before from the freezer, in the tent below the fan. The jar is sealed so it doesn't increase humidity, but it will lower (slightly) the temp inside the small tent, especially when the light is out (which increases the temperature difference between "day" and "night" and if its greater than 6 degrees, which I couldn't do otherwise in the summer since I don't have AC, it can boost terpenes etc during flowering. I'm not expecting a big change, but any change is good, and I'm using two in rotation and swapping them before bed and after I get up in the morning, beginning this morning (I froze the jar overnight last night and put it in the tent just before its "night" began). Day 34: Today was a day of mishaps. While adjusting the LST ties, I pulled too hard on the main stem I HST'd the day before and snapped it off; not entirely, so I tried grafting but within 8 hours everything above the beak was severely wilted, so I made the best of it (hindsight is 20/20 and I would handle it a bit different next time) and topped at just below the snap point so that the cut would be clean. I also noticed a couple of the branches I'd HST'd the day before had slightly broken through the skin as well, so I grafted them and both seem fine (they weren't snapped through, simply ruptured slightly). This is unplanned topping and later than usual, but why not? This plant has been a trooper so far. It'll be interesting to see the rest of the stretch play out. Day 35: some new plant mutes arrived today: Fearless Garden Brand Carbon Overload and 3 free sample bonuses: 60 ml Rock Fuel (I got a bonus of this with my first order I've been using throughout this grow), Sticky Icky (a concentrated molasses extract), and HD Bloom (a concenentrated PK booster that I'll try next grow). The two I'm going to try this grow, besides the one I already have, arrived after I'd already fed the plant today so I'll introduce them in week 6, except for HD Bloom which I'll try next grow in a different setup (4 plants in 1 gallon pots under a screen). Besides feeding the plant, I did some minor LST and dropped the light half an inch. Despite, or maybe because of, the accidental topping the day before, another cola sprouted about half an inch above the canopy overnight so I evened that out today.
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Grow Questions
Spyder7started grow question 4 years ago
Any Bud Juice users? What week did you start feeding Bloom to your autos?
Feeding. Schedule
BudXsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Yes, you need to be careful with this stuff, and use it accurately, learn from my mistakes. Use it when buds are fully formed but young and all white. This week # varies by strain so go by eye. Use it till about 15 days before harvest, no longer. Here is the VERY important part if you want to avoid yellow crispy curled up burnt looking leaves: use 1/4 to 1/2 of the recommwnded dosage ESPECIALLY if feeding along side other nutes. IT IS SO EASY to get a PK burn, as the plant will want to just OD on the stuff. Start slow, dose up slow, see any yellow, flush immediatedely. PK burn happens overnight and the leaves never bounce back. The juice itself is awesome, as is any bloom booster if used right. If done right, no can defeat - Miyagi

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