
  • Fast Buds related Memes only
  • Must have at least 3 diaries on Grow Diaries (most recent diary no older than 2 months)

Fast Buds Meme Contest!

Shipped by Sponsors
83 Photos participating
5 months ago

May showers bring new Memes! Let's see what rains in this month.


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Good Luck!
Lol 1/5th of the memes are from one person.
@einamio, I did the math 91 images competing, 35 are theirs from the collective of accounts they are running 4 so fair that I identified. 1)ykscotttyk25 2)kathlane24 3)adrianwilskut 4)rensie, = 5/13ths of the images uploaded or 38% However some of the images uploaded are not memes, 8 in total. so it changes the numbers a bit. 83 memes competing 35 are "theirs" =35/83rds as it can't be reduced or 42% of the memes upload, just shy of half lol.
it's more like 1/2 now
be funny if they don't win. Edit: saw one of them featured on the insta story feed.
Got a lotta sketchy shit going on in this contest. Witch is not the norm, Seems their are a lot of day/week old accounts with multiple diaries uploading a lot of memes and special diaries for all active contests only. I think these are all by the same person or group of people trying exploit the site and thinks no one will notice, They had a massive fallout on GOTM and they deleted all their comments on it and did the same on this page, but they can't delete this comment as its not theirs or the memory of what they said. They where called out and got into it with other legacy members stating the same thing. Don't cheat. Then admitting to cheating and editing the comment. lol These are the ones that appear to be by the same person or group of people. **Name change to "loetie" The comments they "ykscotttyk25,kathlane24" removed are them obsessing on how to win this contest and trying to find out how to get the money when they win, They all have new accounts and diaries of brands that have active contests only. They all have the same image format of memes. A few of the diaries are using stolen images off of the web that I have identified, mainly in the pets and pot contest by Fastbuds. Would not be surprised is a lot of these memes are recycled form previous contests. I don't have the time to check for them. Let alone if the photos are even theirs. Its petty obvious and seems kinda dumb, ykscotttyk25 images taken from. = = kathlane24 images taken from. = = = = I don't care if a group of friends wants to join contest and have fun, all for it, but when the cheating is this blatant and your creating fake diaries just to enroll and meet the minimum standards of contests it should not be allowed. This type of suspicious behaviour use to get people kicked from contests and sometimes banned.
@BudXXXs, your kinda dumb. If I was going to scam any contest it would be the one with money as a prize not seeds. Money Money Money!!! I have yet to win Meme Of The Month contest so I don't know how great of a scammer I am by that logic. You talk a lot of shit with no proof to back it up and engage with other known trolls, yet don't talk shit about them, just adds up to you being a troll. Every time you try and shit talk me I ask for your proof and get nothing in return. just AWOL till you decide to lash out again a few weeks later. Best you move on or use your original account to talk smack. dumb cowards hiding behind burner accounts,
@Fast_Buds, I find all the memes here are random memes with your logo plastered on them. Some go the extra step and add text about weed but nothing is 100% weed its all recycled. That's what memes are, images/videos outside of contest and some text with bit of photo shopping. Maybe this is a disconnect in why some memes are featured and others not. Like the winner for this month is a car with its hood popped open, your logo from a seed package edited in, then text added about it being loud. suspiciously the same text from an older meme by another user lol. I honestly don't see the difference between that one or most of the other meme in this contest. most of them have some editing on the pics to include buds or something weed related in it, then added a fastbuds logo and some text. By effort alone its all the same end product, just some are not funny. Any Image + Editing + FB branding + text = meme Maybe this is why some of the ones I think are better are never featured as they are not aligning with a rule that's open for interruption or not clearly understood/communicated. This might be something to look at for future meme contests to broaden the scope of users and get more engagement. Any who good to know. Hopefully next months will be better. Side note I'd like to know if any of mine are not on brand and why so I can increase my chances of placing. Please drop me a DM if you have the time.
@m0use, Most of the memes uploaded by some of those users weren't qualified to begin with, and then the amount of seemingly legitimate diaries they have uploaded also factored in and eliminated some of them from being chosen as finalists. And regarding them being used in other contests, I try my best to verify them within my archive of past winners/contests, and that does not seem to be the case with these in particular., but again, most of them didn't qualify from the beginning because they were just random memes with our logo slapped on them, which does not really follow the rules we have in place.
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Memes are up for vote. @Naujas vs @ChitownCannaChica @ykscotttyk25 vs @m0use @SmokingTiki vs @GreenHarvest_Official @KushClicks vs @einamio Be sure to check out their Instagram too vote & see vote totals 2nd round will be the winners from the first round against each other. 2v2 3rd round will be two winners from 2nd round for 1st and 2nd place, both losing memes fight for 3rd The rule [Must have at least 3 diaries on Grow Diaries (most recent diary no older than 2 months)] should be amended to "3 completed diaries + any active diary in the last 2 months" Would also like to see meme limit reinstated to 3 or 5 to prevent spam. but I guess this is free content for FB so why not more. Good Luck!
@Mateo513, this is not true.
@Mateo513, There is a small pool of users who upload memes here regularly so I can see why its always the same ones. I have yet to win any MOTM contest, if you upload the maximum memes allowed "10 atm" and they have a bit of thought put into them its not to hard to get into the top 8 or first round of voting. I've always get kicked out after the 2nd round though. :( The demographic that votes on the memes are not in the same mind set as me. I find if you make crappy pg13 memes that are not all that fumy, they win a lot of the time. Most of the memes that do place I am not a fan of, but Fastbuds need to cater to their audience and the guideline of Instagram of they get banned. Its also good to note their is a massive bias in this contest, this bias is the person who picks the memes to be in the top 8, and their is little to no rhythm or reason who makes that cut. They have even said before humour is subjective. Thus they are subjective and in turn be bais. To me, the only way to make it even and fair is featuring every meme that uploaded to this contest. But its a lot of work for them so this is the best we got and if one person only uploads one meme and another ten its already out the window. I suggest trying next month and uploading a few good memes. Last month a new user won 1st place with a descent one. clarification: I am not sponsored by fast buds. I have only been given some seeds from other companies in exchange for diaries but no real sponsorships that pay me or give me access to their catalogue of products for free or little to nothing.
@m0use, of course the exact same people are up for vote as last month and the month before and the month before and 70% of yall are fast buds sponsors 😂
Good luck 🛸👽
I’m happy I won still in shock. 2nd place person is being very unsportsmanlike under my photo. Honestly didn’t expect such a reaction like that
@KushClicks, its cuz they think you stole their meme from a while ago as you used the exact same wording and image idea as them. "It's posted in the new MOTM contest for June as a reference point" But in the end all meme are stolen from someone else and the whole point of them is just to grab a laugh. It is sus when your acocunt is just 3 months old but shit happens. This contest can ignore your meme one month and then feature it the 2nd month and win "seen this done before". Its got a bias on what memes are showcased on the feed for voting and they don't pick the good ones IMO. That's the only real issue with this contest. If you happen to upload a meme that was the same idea. O well. If you are looking at older contests and just grabbing idea from there without adding your own style onto it. kinda shity but again o well. I try and make all my memes out of screen grabs I get from various shows and use ones that have not been used before to help avoid some of this, but its not always possible. If I don't place I always remove all my memes so they can't be referenced past the contest date, you can do this by removing the images from your diary they are in and just uploading new ones later. I think everyone should do this. Or the site should just remove all the ones that did not win to prevent copy cats,
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Good luck and have fun guys! At least we're posting related images, right? 😎
@einamio, hahaa Hope so! Some people tend to forget that rule
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Well done winners. Glad the troll didn't win.
Somebody's scamming the contests? I am shocked!
lol literally the same people every month that win this contest this site has become a joke, and it is usually people already sponsored by fast buds and getting free seeds, if you are not a fast bud sponsor grower you will not win any of these " contests".... at least reddit's grow contests are legit👍
@Mateo513, While it is true that winners sometimes repeat, it has nothing to do with being sponsored or not. Besides, this is a meme contest, not a grow contest, so why would sponsorship be relative in this case exactly? Even in cases of choosing photos or diaries, sponsorship holds no weight on the winners. In fact, I don't believe any of the winners this month are currently sponsored. We hold the voting on our instagram and the popular vote chooses the winning memes. There is nothing more to it then that. Some people have just locked in what our followers find funny.
could you please stop, this is ridiculous, you just purposefully lying. April winners: trichomverschmauser, SmokingTiki, Professor_Chaos. March winners: Gardengobblin, ChitownCannaChica, GreenthumbJacobs. February: valiotoro, DogDoctorOfficial, Professor_Chaos. Who of them is sponsored by FB? Only one won in Feb and Apr and another one could potentially win this month. I think you're a bit overexaggerating and if you're so happy with reddit's contest why are you commenting here? Stop complaining when you have no complete grows, learn the craft first then complain that you can't win free swag. 😽
good luck friends :).
I hope i win lol I wanna order that new Papaya Cookies Auto. I only ever grew one fast budz seed, it was a lsd auto that sht was lit lol even tho i stunted the growth i still got close to an ounce 😂
Guys @m0use keep winning every GrowDiaries Of The Month , i think his trolling because he want to be the winner everytime, go look at his info,hes a scammer @m0use
@Hashy, I'd be a piss poor scamer if I have been entering this contest for years and never winning.
@jamilahsalum, dude you really think @m0use is a scammer. Iv seen m0use on the comments sections for a number of years now and all I can say is he/she is the troll hunter. A troll pops out from under its bridge and m0use is one of the 1st to kick them back under the bridge they came from. Without m0use sniffing out these trolls they would be winning the majority of the comps on this site. Smoke a J dude and chill out and get your facts in order before you call out people for scamming. There are loads of scammers on here and I really don't think m0use is one of them.
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@einamio, Mate. Wat are u on about?
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Is this contest legit, or do companies just buy you lunch after making millions on your idea?