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  • at least one of your answers must be picked as a solution to a "Grow Questions" by its inquirer
  • can win once in 3 months

Grower of the Month April 2024

Shipped by Sponsors
73 Growers participating
6 months ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners


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Wow nice prizes šŸ‘
@Grey_Wolf, they aren't prizes. You pick 1 and get a 25pk no????? If so ill pull out. I don't want 25 seeds of 1 strain. @MINISTRY
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PSA -- overwatering does not cause stunting (edit* severe 2-3+ nodes all orginating from 1 point on apical meristem with zero to little internode length * edit, my bad not fully describing the context properly) of a plant. Mg deficiency starts at the bottom of the plant. Been a ton of bad answers.. not debatable answers.. but overtly wrong answers. seriously, if you are going to answer questions get a leaf symtpom chart and learn the differences between mobile and immobile nutrients and proper understanding of symptoms related to each. e.g. interveinal chlorosis is caused by many things and the location it occurs on the plant and whether it is accomaniied by other symptoms helps discern which cause it is.. it's one thing to have multuple reasonable answers given the lack of infromation and the general context of using leaf symptoms, but some of these answers are so poor and nothing to do with reasonable interpretative differences from one person to another and more about just being wrong about it. Seen a bunch of light-stunted plants lately and the most common answer is "overwatering." how? please tell me how it is caused by overwatering? LOL. that may be occuring but there are no symptoms yet from it -- like wierd damge along the veins that don't match up to typical nute-related symptoms location and progrsesion etc... that's caused by overwatering, butt lack of growth or paling of leaves is not. Again, not about preferneces of pH and things that have a real ongoing debate or need for more information to be certain.. this is about overtly now knowing what symptoms relate to each cause. Killing plants at a higher rate lately, lol..
@001100010010011110, LOL..u make me laugh. Look at all the replies you got to your googled comment that sparked all this. Looks like, wait what is it, comments from other ESTABLISH respected growers agreeing with my made up answers. How about u hit CHAT AI to learn yourself some decency, about helping other growers. Not tearing the ppl down with real knowledge/experience instead of a keyboard warrior. That's most likely an old member that GD banned. A leopard can't change their spots, nor can a troll contain themselves by trying to shine insight on to somewhat tat (there (your) Google searches told you wrong. If you want to get answers from Google, u 1st need to know the parameters of a pheno/environment etc. No 1 grow is the same. But it seems all trolls are. At least you got that going for u šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”
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@001100010010011110, go for it NOT Steve !!! ;) I dont know cases, but overwatering and magnesium have corelation in soil. That i personally noticed. Overwatered plant will grow slower , he is not in perfect conditions, that obvious i think. Just how much slower can be discussed ....
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@001100010010011110, overwatering in soil CAN stunt plants growth due to a lack of oxygen mate not to mention the unability to utilize the nutrients within the soil
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What the f*ck is happening with the questions? I thought to myself there is no way nobody has asked any since yesterday so I created my own question and its not showing up either @GrowDiaries ????????????????????????????
@Grey_Wolf, Yesterday I asked & it wouldn't show up. There was a backlog and today a went down & somebody found my info. My point. Like Q were blocked for 13hrs and possibly more I just seen today it was listed. Point was given & showing.
@Hashy, @Grey_Wolf and just like that 6 new grow questions populated. all a day old. but getting their. Looks like they are working on it?
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@m0use, I'm having issues with all parts of the site. Have to log out and back in then it breaks again.
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Goodluck 2 u allšŸ¤ž
good luck guys Ive backed off answering so those below me can secure their spots
@m0use, I think the Ducci sounds good with the lebanese red genetics
@Grey_Wolf, what choice of seeds are you going to pick?
@Grey_Wolf, that's very community spirited.
Gonna be a mix up now that unfortunately Lschnable was dethroned from 1st place pushing Roberts up to claim last month. Automatically making him void for this month. So, 3rd place is still up for grabs. Take it to whomever wants it. (If last months change stands) Good luck & enjoy your beans BTW @GrowDiaries have you now changed T&Cs about new accounts joining GOTM? Some1 clearly put a lot of work and any changes although in small print (changed Possibly) I think fairly needs to be reinstated for last month. He played Fair, called out a troll. And Possibly got hit with trick questions, idk. But if the T&Cs hv changed its about time. I hope this will stop this contest from Growers with OG accounts trying for extra seeds or banned ppl. As a lot of this "New accounts" calling ppl out and growers about how they answer their questions when rightfully I'd say jack "nowadays", about it other than its a bit like calling what it is, 1 calling another a spade but also 1, r something like tat, (I'm sure some numb will chat ai / Google it for us no doubt, how you know, it'll read like a dictionaryšŸ¤£) but my point. If you're established, be honest up front and no BS accounts, seriously but some effort into your names, or make a fake diary But back to my point. If you've changed it in some way. Last months place should hold. It really is only fair. He Helped a lot of ppl. And I'm sure Roberts would prefer this as there's somewhat an effort put in I'm guessing, (Idk). I'm not tagging anyone, as I hope GD sees it. And explains some if new accounts/zero diaries or both apply now to you been void. If so, what are the new terms? If Possibly to reply we know u very busy running this. But some1 is put out wrongly so imo. I agree with the change if it is that. But needs to be put in black & white with the rules.
@001100010010011110, Hand this guy some face paint. As he's a huge šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”
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@gottagrowsometime, i been out from announced list, but after many help from community and many emails without any answers i was restituted. So stop messing around, i didnt follow GD for few month, if guy was legit, better give support than make some unnecessary race .
@gottagrowsometime, hand this guy a kleenex and a tampon, stat!
Good Luck!
I made contact with ministry of cannabis regarding the prizes and Yes it is 25 seeds of one strain
@gottagrowsometime, O not disagreeing with yea on that. it would be smarter to have more strains in a prize pack in hopes they do multiple diaries for each stain for better exposure and content creation. With regards to pheno hunting, I think it requires a large group of plants vs 3 or 5. You can do a pheno hunt with 5 sure, I feel its limiting your options. It's all about trying to find the diamond in the ruff and they are hard to come by. I also don't pheno hunt, I don't want to keep a mother plant alive, fuck that jazz, I'll leave it up to the pros trying to make clone only strains and sell it to the market.
@m0use, Yeah. I did say that. About it before. But if you can't find a good pheno in a pack of 3 seeds. Is it really worth it doing 25. Also, if u like different varieties of a strain. Pheno hunting can be fun. But these strains, they're are relatively new on here. So my point was only to point out 2dem was wouldn't it be better if they showed 5x3-2x + 5x10 16 growers growing 5 strains would give them a much wider opportunity to show their pedigree.
@m0use, @asnoriu It's also quite beneficial to plant 150-200% of what you want to grow. This way you can cull the plants that shit the bed early on. Definitely improve consistency of grows.
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This thing is hilarious. Iā€™ve seen other people get more than 1 solution and they donā€™t move from 1. I hadnā€™t really paid attention to mine but the past few days I have. I definitely have more than 1 and donā€™t move either. Why do some people get credit and not others? Probably dumb question .. what does work right around here Update: wow it changed but still wouldnā€™t be correct šŸ˜‚
@m0use, Yeah I hear yuh. I was thinking about trying to work in the industry, but thought about it and was like .. that would probably make me not like doing it anymore and I donā€™t want that. Itā€™s always been funny to me that people say in regards to jobs that you should do what you love. But. Like.. would you end up loving it in the end?
@Krisis, I do now have the resources to start a new site and if I did i would not do something like this. Its just a hobby for me. The real good growers are hardly hear or moved onto bigger and better things like farms or you tube/insta with better engagement. If I did youtube and insta I could maybe start to make money with this, but I don't want to. It will likely destroy the enjoyment of it all, putting all them demands and requirements on it that come with said money.
@m0use, shit thatā€™s depressing. I obviously havenā€™t been around here long but I lurked a little before joining and feel like I learned quite a bit. I was all excited to join and thought it would be cool to learn tons more, talk to people, be part of the community and shit. I really hope it doesnā€™t die. However, it would be really nice if they made the functionality tons better. It seems like the contests arenā€™t regulated or handled properly too. I joined one and it said itā€™s company specific yet through the whole thing .. itā€™s filled with like 90% NOT the stated company Then, it completed and went to a timer of 2 weeks. I assumed something would happen at that time but nope lol. No word about it. Nothing. Itā€™s just sitting there. Thatā€™s a big disappointment and makes me wonder about legitimacy etc. Anyway, with what you know that needs fixed and how to improve on the idea - maybe you should start a new place?
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This site is Broken and almost unuseable lately šŸ˜  sometimes it takes 4 or 5 tries just to load the questions page properly and then you answer a question and it won't save it šŸ˜ž or you get an error message even loading my home page stuffs up at least once a day . if it gets any worse I'll take another break from here
@BudXXXs, hope your not referring to me I dont cheat i answer the questions I know the answer to and leave the ones that I dont know I have one account and only one account
@Grey_Wolf, I find not using tabs or opening links in multiple windows helps. single browser/window Best to have it in one tab only, and just hit back a lot. Also Mobile Site is much much worse then Desktop Site, I will only access this on Desktop. Granted we should not need to know how to troubleshoot a site in 2024, they need to pay someone to fix their shit lol. If this was a company who charged money for things I would not buy from them based on site performance. Same with seedsman. Their sites always fucked up. Its your main front faceing brand and if its not working what else is not working... Data leak anyone.... for a 2nd time BAHAHAH.
@Grey_Wolf, har ogsĆ„ fĆ„et 8lĆøsninger hvornĆ„r kan jeg regne med de kommer op pĆ„ vƦggen denne konkurrence (og MANGE andre burde tjekkes rigtig godt ud i sĆømmene
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Congratulations @Grey_Wolf, @Krisis & @AsNoriu, any ideas what you'll pick.?
@BudXXXs, that rule dont work, Roberts went Mouse way and have two in a row !!! Have huge respect for both growers, despite sometimes teasing them, but GD has its own way of following rules ;)))
@gottagrowsometime, Oh hey thanks. I didnā€™t wanna assume Iā€™m safe to win anything after reading what happened last month.. and how apparently itā€™s also affecting this month? Too much confusion. Congratulations to whoever wins lol. If I am good to go, or when I am, Iā€™d pick Ducci. Iā€™m pretty clueless on autos, so there was only 2 to look at for me. Zen Gold didnā€™t interest me much lol
@gottagrowsometime, IDK if its fully going to boot Roberts from 2nd. This site does not function well on a good day. Prob need to email GD for GD to do anything. and even then, no guarntee it will happen lol.
Havent answered one question for a month, somehow in the list.
@AsNoriu, and your back in 3rd, lol everyone keeps withdrawing.
@AsNoriu, Prob and old pick. Some times you get 50% of your answer picked over a month or 2. Should be a cut of point.
@AsNoriu, HACKER!!!! Another reason they should only count questions asked and answered within the month of the contest. Legit one person can ask a bunch of questions on an old diary and hide them, then unhide the diary a few months later and answer them, then no one can track the counts as they can't find the questions. The logistics are so dumb and way to easy to exploit. Plus hardly any answers are linked to diaries anymore since the update. they messed it up.
Have fun everyone! Never heard of this seed bank before. Seems they been aorund for a bit. Overall good reviews, some bad but to be expected with anything.
Well the March contest is messed up. They said I didnā€™t winā€¦ idk how thatā€™s possible when I had the most answered questionsā€¦ ???
@LSchnabel, They possibly changed the rules. So many ppl making new accounts. That's the only real reason y you'd of been taken down imo, I might be wrong. But, if I am. Just do next with your established account. Sorry about that man..
@Grey_Wolf, They are looking like mini troll and from what I can tell playing off of BudXs name. Could be wrong just looks that way ATM. Looking at their activity log, it's all inflammatory comments,
@BudXXXs, pot calling the kettle black you have been a member for a few months but have no diaries so why are you here? to troll or cheat yourself
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There is defo some dodgy shit going on here. @growdiaries get on this it's plain to see. From long copied comments and people with 10 day old accounts. What's cheating sad fucker as binary?
@001100010010011110, wtf! Why are you wasting everyone's time referencing the fucking dust bowl to protest against dodgy shit that seems other people have noted too. Add paranoid to that as I never mentioned you.... Or is it guilt.
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@SkunkleDamo, Guys is related to budxxx. Don't get caught up in their drama. These children really aren't worth ur time pal.
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@SkunkleDamo, how am i cheating? You don't understand or disagree with the things I type, therefore, I must be cheating? I've withdrawn from this 'contest' 2+ times already. I'm not participating in the contest. I'm just doing my best to reduce dogma and unsubstantiated bro-science. What is my motivation to cheat? This makes no sense. Also, the age of an account on has zero correlation to knowing how to grow. Growing is easy, if you don't subscribe to all the batshit stupid dogma out there. A bunch of beliefs with no facts to back them up, but the utmost faith in them. I guess it is just inevitably that logical, deductive reasoning makes some percentage of the population angry and insecure. I estimate it's a heavy overlap with those that see zero value in education, yet take advantage of all the fancy tools and modern science only made possible by those that do value education. My answers are not for those people. It's for the 33-50% that use their brains in an effective manner. The great dust bowl of the 1930s USA was in large part caused by the farmers not listening to those more educated on related topics. It took a disaster for them to change their beliefs and methods. Too insecure to admit they were wrong about causality of the situation, angry they were told how to improve their methods, chose to double-down on stupidity, and caused a natural disaster. This sort of phenomenom is on constant repeat throughout history, and it's just ... sad. It's sad so few recognize it and keep repeating the same type of mistakes in new situations. It's like watching a group of people run head first into a brick wall repeatedly for no rhyme or reason. "When he spoke in an ordinary voice he sounded pompous and faggy to them." Bwahaha. Fuck AI. I answer questions better than AI at present, lol.
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I think the questions are broken again. No way no one asked a single question for 12 hours. I think adding diaries is jacked up too. I added new and it didnā€™t appear so I redid it and still nothing .. yet it says I have 2 extra diaries. Ahhh
@Krisis, it is broken. maybe this is the new norm on weekends lol And they are back up just in time for Monday, seems like GD might be nurfing itself on weekends....
I don't get how I have 4 solutions, have not been answering all that much. Maybe its counting some really old questions. I am not competing this month, I will pull out now. 3rd place is just 2 questions deep, anyone's game still.
@m0use, ye. Ill most likely pull out. I'll see. Not answering much. But a bit of everything I don't check if diary is attached. Getting a few divine strains and ill be hitting over 40 grows this crop. So most likely ill bow out probably at the end. Good luck. I haven't tried this breeder. 25 seeds of 1 strain is something I don't do. And if it was I'd only pick 3 or so phenos tat were the best and clone them. Who wants 25 seeds of the same strain? Does it hv 2be 25 seeds of the same strain @Ministry
Looks like the rule set is out the window. "can win once in 3 months"
Questions are stuck. So. Anyone any full diaries from seed-harvest?? Mutated tap root. Possibly double top or twin nodes would be even nicer but I reckon double top.
Good luck everyone šŸ’šāœŠ