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Grower of the Month July 2024

Shipped by Sponsors
72 Growers participating
3 months ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners


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Here is acting one person in special claiming to give helpful Tips, and beeing a reliable source of Help. this special Person has never broughtone proper grow to an end and giving extremly stupid answers to grower who seek help, this is the opposite of that how it should be the drama goes on and iam speechless how anyone can win a goldcup for giving stupid answers . its a farce!! over and out and btw iam not participating
@Krisis, I certainly don't have a fragile a ego.Iv actively spent decades breaking it down. I'm very aware Im far from perfect and make mistakes but I do my best to learn from my mistakes.I'm a realist and understand we're flawed by design. I hope you accept my previuos apology.
@oldskoolkool, Seems yours is so fragile.. you get your nose bent out of shape and offended when no one’s even talking to/or about you babe
@oldskoolkool, Must I be referring to you? I didn’t even know you existed until you just tagged me. You must feel guilty, or more important than you are? Or is it that YOU have been smoking too much?
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@001100010010011110, tomorrow should be my turn ;) waiting for last month results to be finalised ...
@AsNoriu, not "every" day :P @lschnabel - july leaderboard seems to be working. withdraw button works too
@LSchnabel, chill, it can take a month for GD to send out the winners list to the sponsor, the sponsors won't contact us until then. Once you get the email from the sponsor things move quickly and the prize will be at your door within no time. Longest wait I had was 2 months for a sponsor to get in touch.
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Looks like ppl stirring the pot already. Or wanting it to go that way. When in reality. Its a space to help growers. Be civil and not 6. Seriously ppl get their kicks on a growing platform. Mainly cause we all stoned and half the reason is we only pay this nonsense attention. While ppl make accounts, ripping off a grower who has been building his brand, platform to showcase/help. The account has no diaries. And someone on here whom won't show their true account, as they know their A holes. If they had any real believe in the shit they throw about, you'd show us who u are and not who u wanna be. Like X and search "geek with nothing better to do than troll" there you can all argue with each other.
@Hashy, man so fcking true😆 there are sentences of mine, i cant read anymore. Like they were written by some ancient folks
@gottagrowsometime, 🤣 that's just like me, I hit send then read what I wrote and think what stoned retard wrote this, none of it makes sense, then I must edit it several times before it's legible.
@001100010010011110, lol. I gotta edit my shit all the time. Weed has dulled my reactions. I type quicker than I think.. But, yup agree.
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The rate of tantrums is a bit low this month. C'mon, I made popcorn! Hey, @Roberts, someone is using your youtube screen name, again. Based on @MrSour420's acivity logs, I'm sure it'll be a civil and polite conversation. Please, don't take it to DMs, Bwahaha.
@001100010010011110, hold my earrings LOL
@Todzilla Get in here and win some shit. Doesn’t matter that you haven’t shown tons before on this site. Your talent and knowledge is obvious. If you haven’t checked out his diaries? Definitely should. He’s doing some awesome grows and technicals here
@Todzilla, Nah just truth
@Krisis, you are way too kind.
@Berrysweethigh, lota smack talk about you on this page but you're no where to be found. Just like in the questions not linked to diaries or this contest lol.
@m0use, Clearly it's a proxy account. Who does grow comps like this and doesn't grow. You'd make more begging for change outside 711
@001100010010011110, you still get selected answers. i sometimes go for a win, so its still doable for determine person. But a lot off truth is in your words ... I sometimes confront privately fresh commers for stupidity in answers , most become more rational and weighted with future advices....
This site deals in 80% bro-science anyway. Any knowledge that contradicts long-held unsubstantiated beliefs is likely to be belittled. Three people couldn't identify a hermie in a recent question. Another one looked like 3 different people copied and pasted some generic answer that didn't actually relate to the question asked about a recently rooted clone. It's possible all three misread the question, but that's gotta be a low percentage chance. I'm not even confident half of these questions are geniune. I trust the ones without a diary more than the ones with a diary with 1 or 2 generic photos or 12 weeks in a diary for an account that's a few days old. Countless fakes and liars among the population here. It is part of the culture here.
Worldwide shipping nice.
@MrSour420, Oh snap. I just noticed your name. You really need to copy another identity? How about making your own Or is just a drama account?.
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@MrSour420, Yeah. Usually when nutrients cost more than a fine bottle of wine. You bet. It'll probably be airdropped by the CIA with this prices.
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Nice, 2nd month in a row for nutrients. This is a positive cange from seeds. Good Work @GrowDiaries! Good Luck EveryBody!
@001100010010011110, Guess it does not help that they are mostly additives and can't grow from the products provided. Will need a complete lineup on top of this. Over all still nice vs seeds. Would love to see other things like hash bags and dab rigs. Green Sensation = NPK fertilizer (0-8-9), Basic PK booster + "special" Carbon. They also have a regular PK booster 0-13-14. Sugar Royal = NPK fertilizer (8-0-0). 20 extra amino acids, sounds kinda nice but are in most products I use like fish hydrolysates and chicken manure, not really needed in soil grows but can help if your in soilless. But does say on their site do not use in hydroponics like DWC or aeroponics. To much free feed to the scum forming microbes in them systems I bet. Clog em up. Power Buds = NPK missing 0-0-0, listed as a biostimulant vs fertilizer, doubt its PGR's but it does not say its not PGR's? Does not list whats in it, not a fan of that. One site says its humic and amino acids and trace elements. so who knows. I dislike any brand that does not make full labels and contents of their products easily available online, If I have to email them for the information its not likely I'll use it. Or if I have to search custom images of others who took a photo of it that shows the backside breakdown I get annoyed. I feel this do this to prevent needing to update resources when they change things and don't want to tell anyone about it. Or could just be lazy.
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@m0use, That stuff is so overpriced, free is the only way to justify using it. I should be selling fertilizer to stoners, if i had no morality or integrity. This is straight out of "The Emperor's New Clothes."
Good luck to everyone, be nice