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Grower of the Month June 2024

Shipped by Sponsors
97 Growers participating
4 months ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners


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Come on @m0use, don't you think its time to pull out like your dad should have done all them years ago.🤣
@m0use, I'm the taskmaster.
@Hashy, all I read was "I still think you won't get 3 gotm wins in a row." and now I will try my best to prove you wrong lol
@m0use, I could actually be completely wrong, I just presumed once your chosen as winner of last month it then stops your points going up. This comp is set up all wrong as a winner from previous month literally has 14 days to rack up points before they should get locked out, the parameters need changing to prevent that. I still think you won't get 3 gotm wins in a row.
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and looks like the leader-board has disappeared. lol go go gadjet growdiaries
@Hashy, One can only hope. good ammount of N in piss. just can't use it in flower according to the Law of bro-science @AsNoriu, if you get rid of one of me, 4 more show up in its place. real infestation.
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@m0use, yeah they are thinking what punishment to dish out for bagging it twice in a row. Edit. 🤣your probably going to receive 3L of piss instead of nutes.
@m0use, they are slowly scraping your name off .... ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood, A beautiful day for a neighbor... ... (Glances down through comments, hesitates for a moment. Then, slowly backs out of the room and closes the door)
@001100010010011110, some people here need to go watch Mr Rodger’s.
@001100010010011110, ahh, stop it , you had way worse neighbours and still havent moved out ;)))
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@Hashy, Fool me once, shame on... shame on you? Fool me? ... I can't get fooled again! Don't put your hand in hashy's popcorn. -- "The more you know" PSA. -- Bush II reference
@Hashy, here for the comedy show.
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I'm starting to think just directing people to is the best answer to most questions. They have the least amount of urban myth and nonsense in their articles by a wide margin. Most sites are teeming with misinformation. Just send people to cocoforcannabis for good info. LOL. The dr photon articles and guides -- not the forum. The forum is full of esoteric nonsense like all other forums.
Look at @AsNoriu, absolutely flying. Going to knock @m0use, off top spot at this rate, and there ain't nothing m0use can do about it. (Evil laugh).
@AsNoriu, lol like Roberts in March and April? bahahha everyone seems to forget that person exists.
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@m0use, hope they will do other thing as well , aka won't allow for multiple wins in a row ;))) i cried about it a bit too ;))))
@AsNoriu, I already told you that if someone wants to try a little bit and help people then I’m gunna sit around 5-6 questions and they can have at it. At least they have to do something more then answer a single question to win the month. By the looks of it we already have three ahead of me anyways. Two legit people and one cheater.
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OMG !!!!! 5 years old cheater, 15 years growing, but still young cheater and when i was walking under the table , old cheater !!! Thats our current top3 ;))))))))))))))))))
@AsNoriu, I’m not creating the rules at all. Just following what the site is set up to do. However, if someone wants to help more then 5-6 people out this month then they can clearly take my spot. If the site fixes the issues and boots us from the top, then the people who didn’t care to help others much can get the wins. I didn’t see the March winner remove himself when we also won Feb.
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@AsNoriu, just you wait, I'm going for 3 months in a row now that @Hashy said I has to. He is the king pin or ring leader in this massive underground cheating network on here. All the trolls were right from day one. Biggest scammer and cheat in the world @Hashy lol. I am in the same boat as LSchnabel, when other start to show interest I'll pull out but so far no one has. and I stopped when I had 10 point head start and now 5 more have trickled in. Remember when we use to hold hands and go on walks down the red light district boulevard? we where happy then, come back to me my love. Come wreck me again in the name of science. 😆
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@LSchnabel, so you create rules now, value how much and how other have to win/answer or are they worth to win ????????????????????? lonatic detected, loonatic who cant even see humour or banter. i can make a bet you wont last here long, at least with this nick name. once a cheater is always a cheater, looks like its new GD golden rule.
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Strange stuff going on here
@modmyplants, no idea mate, its a hot mess. few active theories is the site was hacked, or it went down from something else and we running off an old update. No real idea whats happening.
@m0use, why i cant join or see myself up there? is bugged af. When i open the html and check for it to update i get a site error, nice
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Think they been hacked, i dont see half of people i been following ... my nute or breeder section is worth a good laugh ... here top 4 are missing. Me, mouse, organoman and gottogrow is not here ...
@AsNoriu, lol my nutrients is now "The Real Seed Company" seems like they do seeds not nutrients. I wonder if the entire thing crashed and this is some weird backup. Also my followers are also effected. says im following 8 but only loads 1. Well back to the drawing board on this one for the admins. Lilkey the new normal.
@AsNoriu, I haven't been able to log in, 403 forbidden message when I tried earlier.
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First, this is a positive post if you allow it to be... This question is an example of light-stunting. It stands out like a sore thumb because of the growth pattern. The guy didn't get multiple runts, so it's easy to rule that out, too. you can see by the tightness of the growth nodes via how tightly packed the leaves are, even though we don't get a good look from the side. This is what light-stunting, or whatver the proper term is, looks like. if you happen to be one of the people answer here, it is not offensive to say this. Just learn from it. Anytimem someone has an example of something you are 99.9% certain of, share it.. make the answers better. More often, multile different answers is a good thing. It covers all the bases of a process that is indiscreet, meaning more than one answer is often possible. don't get all insecure about it.
@001100010010011110, be carefull with your advices, some people just blindly follow and spread your knowledge ;)))) in soil you dont water all pot till leaves dont occupy all space, its not coco, but some are just too dumb. if seedling is watered till run off in 40-50 liters pots like i grow, it would not need water for 3 weeks or so ...
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Let's go 3rd place fingers 🤞
Cool prizes! Been a long time since we have seen any fertilizer being offered as a prize this is A+ I'm more then sure this is going to bring out the crazy from the wood work. The brand seems to be an bio fertilizer based out of Germany and the 5in1 is a vegan formula from what I can tell, Not a lot of English literature on it via their web page. One place says its NPK is 4.5-.05-5.5 Another says its 5-1-6 Their main webpage has the wrong instagram account attached to it. Kinda silly n looks really bad lol.. Maybe also ran by grow diaries admins. VS When you find their main insta it shows part of the label translated into English, but again no real ingredients listed. No idea of micros or secondary macros. This was from amazon .de link that was translated, revels a bit more about it. Green Power 5-in-1 organic fertiliser root stimulator growth stimulator flower stimulator micro-organisms enzymes and vitamins organic complete fertiliser for vital and strong plants, no addition of animal components, 100% natural origin. Thanks to the optimal composition and the high proportion of nitrogen and potassium, the nutrient supply of the plant is ensured from germination to harvest, especially suitable for the cultivation of nightshade plants. Instructions: The dosage of the Green Power organic fertiliser is increased weekly by 10 ml from week 1 (20 ml) to the penultimate flowering week. The millilitre specification of the fertiliser refers to 10 litres of water and is intended for daily fertilisation. Ideally, no fertiliser should be used in the last week of flowering (see figure). In addition, the 3rd - 5. Flowering week (depending on plant type) the vegan phosphorus boost powder spread once a week on the soil or added to the watering water and poured. 3 grams of powder is sufficient for a plant with 10 litres of soil volume. By adding the vegan phosphorus boost, the formation of flowers is increased many times. For foliar fertilisation, Green Power can be sprayed with 80 ml concentrate on 10 litres of water at the beginning of the dark phase. Effective micro-organisms act as a natural pest control agent. Good Luck To Everyone! Also they fixed the GOTM page so now you can use bookmarks and this page will not 404 error out. Edit: it no longer works as a bookmark. something weird keeps happening. Maybe this do this as part of anti spam, bots can't monitor the contest totals? IDK. Seems odd.
@m0use, your ass is grass and @Asnoriu is a lawnmower. Edit @m0use, 23 points (locked in). @Asnoriu, 16 points (going for the win). 5 days to go, getting interesting.
@m0use, it's like you can see into the future, or GD is very predictable.🤣
@Hashy, loooks like option 2 has been enabled.... someone triggered my trap card yugioh!!!! """GrowDiaries shits the bed like it has in the past..."""
@m0use, so far questions are still working. But your still going to loose 1st spot.
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ok I'll withdraw. but something tells me its already in the mail. Every hosts that are new has shiped it out asap vs waits for GD. so....
@m0use, looks like something is happening AGAIN ;))))))
@gottagrowsometime, well see how it finalizes. maybe it will be locked down again lol.
@m0use, Wow. m0use bends to GD pressure. Nvr thought I'd see this.
============ Just in case you decide to delete the thread I've been replying to. this is a back up of it. -------------------- Eyy @m0use keep winning every GrowDiaries Of The Month , I think his trolling because he want to be the winner everytime, go look at his info,hes a scammer @m0use @jamilahsalum, O your one of them accounts from the kid or kids in South Africa trying to scam/spam the MOTM contest. I don't know what about my info is sus but all the accounts you have is another thing. I also see you have tried to exploit the GOTM contest as well with a bunch of questions your alternate account made. Here's some links of your garbage. Links work but GD hides the full link for w/e reason. This is a link to the MOTM page as I don't want to copy and paste that entire thread I got going their. scroll to the 2nd comment thread made by me and it will show you all your sus activity. n short these are all the users ran by the same person or group of friends exploiting and cheating in all the main contests. These are the ones that appear to be by the same person or group of people. **Name change to "loetie" I will withdraw my statements when you upload pics of all the seed breeder packs you say you are growing and prove proof of purchase via digital receipt of any kind matching a shipping address to your area. redacted of course to protect who you are. Also I won't be allowed to place this month as I won last month. That would go against the can only place once every 3 months rules. @m0use, im frow Buckholts, Texas @m0use, im in my 20's and i aint a kid ,maybe you are stupid, because a grown man thing better @jamilahsalum, Now lets not call other people stupid when you put little to no effort in hiding where you are from while being a shit cheat and sore looser for getting called out on it. Your memes are the same format as the other SA trolls and the aluminum cans your growing the plants in are from a company called SWITCH energy drinks..... If you do a little google on where they are from you'll never guess where they are located. drum roll.... "Johannesburg, 2191, South Africa" They don't import em into USA from what I can see, but if I'm wrong then so sorry, but even if I am wrong, and your not part of this group of accounts then how do you know how this site works so well on a new account and how did you find me but the other 1000's of other new users don't know jack shit, and how is it that one of the toll accounts is following you?? there are just to many coincidence to maintain that your from Texas and not part of that group/same person. 20yrs old are still kids. older kids but still kids. You're just a waste of my time now, I hope GD banns your dumbass for being a tool. and FYI the IMGBB link won't delete till after 6 months, as you trolls like to delete your contest and pretend it did not happen this is a little bit of a backup. Notice you diary URL with your name in it. Still waiting on your fast buds packing pics to prove you even have their products,
@AsNoriu, im done answering. I raised the bar and everyone needs to get a least +10, last few months people winning with single digit answers. the average number of answers/solutions for June is 59 for 1st place. Last year was 22, Year before that was 58. So should not be to hard unless others are answering and withdrawing a lot. I'll withdraw if I think the people answering are not a bunch of trolls and they are just short of placing third. I can also help this and start asking my own questions and giving points away to who I think is best. I like to ask at least one questions per diary anyways, have fun with it and keep that part of the site functioning.
@m0use, so will you resign or will do same shit as last time ?
Congratulations winners. I think? Who knows what will go on at this point
Liebt euch meine Brüder und Schwestern. Wir lieben doch alle das gleich oder !?!?
What a surprise, m0use got another fight with another grower. Should it be his fault that he had a different fight with different growers every single month for the past years? I bet you that he believes that it is the fault from the other 100 growers that only got a problem with this individual. Let's see with what stupid reaction Steve will react this time with his 5th account this year. Also your fault not his fault! XD These people are hungry for free seeds and hungry for starting fights with everyone who is competing them for their free seeds. They are the cancer from this beautiful website, especially from these contests for free products. For all the other growers, Happy Growing! 💚
@001100010010011110, my phone auto corrected to it.. it was too funny to change!
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@Hempy_The_Kid, lol berrysweat.. that sounds like it should be in the Urban Dictionary. like "Santorum" bwahaha.
@BudXXXs, grow something!! Anything!! And proove you should be here! You sound younger than berrysweat!
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Eyy @m0use keep winning every GrowDiaries Of The Month , I think his trolling because he want to be the winner everytime, go look at his info,hes a scammer @m0use
@LSchnabel, You've done the exact same thing, and now you're calling others out for it! I'm not trying to defend anyone, but I've been here for a while and usually just watch as some people create problems out of nothing and complain for no reason. Weed is all about peace, not this constant drama every month. This is why I won't join any of these contests; I have better things to do than deal with non-existent or trivial issues. It's up to the website administrators to handle these matters, not you. If they don't do anything and you don't like it, then don't use the website. It's that simple. If I don't like something, I just don't do it.
@LSchnabel, They would have to ban approximately 20% of their users, as these users are from European countries where cultivation is generally not allowed. Only six countries in Europe (Spain, Germany, Malta, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands) permit it, while 38 countries do not. Additionally, cultivation is illegal in most other parts of the world so stop the bullshit with banning anyone.
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@jamilahsalum, Now lets not call other people stupid when you put little to no effort in hiding where you are from while being a shit cheat and sore looser for getting called out on it. Your memes are the same format as the other SA trolls and the aluminum cans your growing the plants in are from a company called SWITCH energy drinks..... If you do a little google on where they are from you'll never guess where they are located. drum roll.... "Johannesburg, 2191, South Africa" They don't import em into USA from what I can see, but if I'm wrong then so sorry, but even if I am wrong, and your not part of this group of accounts then how do you know how this site works so well on a new account and how did you find me but the other 1000's of other new users don't know jack shit, and how is it that one of the toll accounts is following you?? there are just to many coincidence to maintain that your from Texas and not part of that group/same person. 20yrs old are still kids. older kids but still kids. You're just a waste of my time now, I hope GD banns your dumbass for being a tool. and FYI the IMGBB link won't delete till after 6 months, as you trolls like to delete your contest and pretend it did not happen this is a little bit of a backup. Notice you diary URL with your name in it. Still waiting on your fast buds packing pics to prove you even have their products,
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